面對瘟疫(8) 在瘟疫之中过母亲节 Facing Off The Pestilence (VIII) Mother’s Day In Amidst Of Pestilence

And have you forgotten the exhortation addressed to you as sons? “My son, do not scorn the Lord’s discipline or give up when he corrects you. “For the Lord disciplines the one he loves and chastises every son he accepts.” Endure your suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is there that a father does not discipline? But if you do not experience discipline, something all sons have shared in, then you are illegitimate and are not sons. Besides, we have experienced discipline from our earthly fathers and we respected them; shall we not submit ourselves all the more to the Father of spirits and receive life? For they disciplined us for a little while as seemed good to them, but he does so for our benefit, that we may share his holiness. Now all discipline seems painful at the time, not joyful. But later it produces the fruit of peace and righteousness for those trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your listless hands and your weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but be healed.
你们又忘了那劝你们如同劝儿子的话,说,我儿,你不可轻看主的管教,被他责备的时候,也不可灰心。 因为主所爱的他必管教,又鞭打凡所收纳的儿子。 你们所忍受的,是神管教你们,待你们如同待儿子。焉有儿子不被父亲管教的呢? 管教原是众子所共受的,你们若不受管教,就是私子,不是儿子了。 再者,我们曾有生身的父管教我们,我们尚且敬重他,何况万灵的父,我们岂不更当顺服他得生吗?生身的父都是暂随己意管教我们。惟有万灵的父管教我们,是要我们得益处,使我们在他的圣洁上有分。 凡管教的事,当时不觉得快乐,反觉得愁苦。后来却为那经练过的人,结出平安的果子,就是义。 所以你们要把下垂的手,发酸的腿,挺起来。 也要为自己的脚把道路修直了,使瘸子不至歪脚,反得痊愈。

Hebrews 希伯来书 12:5-13 NET