天国募兵计划(2)Kingdom Recruiting Program (II)

你出去與仇敵爭戰的時候、看見馬匹、車輛、並有比你多的人民、不要怕他們、因為領你出埃及地的耶和華你 神與你同在。 你們將要上陣的時候、祭司要到百姓面前宣告、 說、以色列人哪、你們當聽、你們今日將要與仇敵爭戰、不要膽怯、不要懼怕戰兢、也不要因他們驚恐.因為耶和華你們的 神與你們同去、要為你們與仇敵爭戰、拯救你們。官長也要對百姓宣告說、誰建造房屋、尚未奉獻、他可以回家去、恐怕他陣亡、別人去奉獻。誰種葡萄園、尚未用所結的果子、他可以回家去、恐怕他陣亡、別人去用。誰聘定了妻、尚未迎娶、他可以回家去、恐怕他陣亡、別人去娶。官長又要對百姓宣告說、誰懼怕膽怯、他可以回家去、恐怕他弟兄的心消化、和他一樣。
When you go to war against your enemies and see chariotry and troops who outnumber you, do not be afraid of them, for the LORD your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, is with you. As you move forward for battle, the priest will approach and say to the soldiers, “Listen, Israel! Today you are moving forward to do battle with your enemies. Do not be fainthearted. Do not fear and tremble or be terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you to fight on your behalf against your enemies to give you victory.” Moreover, the officers are to say to the troops, “Who among you has built a new house and not dedicated it? He may go home, lest he die in battle and someone else dedicate it. Or who among you has planted a vineyard and not benefited from it? He may go home, lest he die in battle and someone else benefit from it. Or who among you has become engaged to a woman but has not married her? He may go home, lest he die in battle and someone else marry her.” In addition, the officers are to say to the troops, “Who among you is afraid and fainthearted? He may go home so that he will not make his fellow soldier’s heart as fearful as his own.” Then, when the officers have finished speaking, they must appoint unit commanders to lead the troops.
申命记 Deuteronomy 20:1-9 NET